So Christmas was quite fruitful this year. I spent so much time worrying about what other people wanted and not what I wanted so my parents took matters into his own hands. They got me a laptop in which I am writing this blog. I'm pretty stoked about it cause now I can write scripts and stuff in the privacy of my own room. Lets just hope I'm not lazy.
Back in the real world, life has been confusing for me. I really hate having feelings. They love to trick me every chance they get and just make me feel miserable. The only things I like when it comes to having them if you know how people feel and it makes you not want to hurt them. Otherwise I kind of wish I was emotionless. No, I take that back because then I would not feel the joy of God. I just wish these certain feelings would leave me be. Here's to hoping.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Glædelig Jul
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Not much has changed.
Christmas is right around the corner. I have gotten my shopping done (at least I hope so) but I have no idea what I even want haha. But that isn't important. I want Jesus to have an awesome birthday. That is what matters.
I spent all of last week working which wasn't very fun. But this week is actually pretty free so I love it. Same with next week. But what to do with this free time? I finished The Office season 1-5. I have Netflix now so I'm probably going to find myself watching TV shows all day. It sucks.
Lately I've been finding myself in confusing emotional states. Its something I grow weary of but only God can help. I'm stoked for the Vision retreat that way I can find myself closer to him and his answers will be much clearer.
Sorry for the bland and boring post I haven't posted in a while but life is uneventful
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
It's amazing how much can change in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it's almost impossible to wrap my head around it. I've been pretty private about it the past few days but I guess I could supply some insight.
I was "dating" a girl for a few weeks when the other night she decided she wanted to be with someone else more. It's weird for me to come out and say something like this seeing as I don't like to get too private on here but I had to write about it because it's been on my mind. Kind of sucks when someone chooses another over you. Almost as if you aren't good enough. But at the same time I realize we were two totally different people (with similar tastes but clashing personalities) so even as much as we could have wanted it to work, it wouldn't have. But it gives me hope. Hope that I will find someone more compatible and better for me. Someone who I don't have to sit there and question whether they still want to be with me or not. But now I don't think I'm ready to start anything.
My life is so far from being set right. Maybe I'll feel better about it when I start driving that way the world seems more accessible and I don't have to rely on the kindness of others. Once I drive I will be able to get a better job or maybe even attend a few more auditions. But fear holds me back. And laziness. I suppose the best thing I can do right now is pray that I find the courage to grow up. Change is a scary thing.
Well sorry for all that sappy stuff. To answer your question I'm fine and over that girl situation. I found myself flirting the next day haha. Which is weird because I usually only do that to Dalynn to make her uncomfortable. Seems like I'm growing some huevos.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 9:57 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The land is silent...before the stoooorm!!
Last night I went to see Ensiferum (one of my many favorite bands). Also playing was a band called Blackguard who I'm quite fond of as well. We met the guitarist mistaking him for the merch guy (how often to band members of signed bands do that?) and talked to him for a good while about the music business. It was funny because he had an accent and hes from Canada. Damn French Canadians...anyways we saw Petri of Ensiferum walking around the venue in a cowboy hat barely being noticed by people (though he was stopped for a conversation now and again). I wanted to take a picture with him (which I was going to bring my moms camera for but ultimately didn't because I am a fool). I tried telling Cory to take a picture with my phone but he wouldn't so we ended up not approaching him. After we talked to the guy from Blackguard we decided we should talk to Petri but he never appeared again (well until Ensiferum played).
I bought an awesome sweatshirt because mine is getting somewhat old. Cory wanted a shirt but had no money so we walked away from the merch table over to around the bar area. Then it struck me that I should buy Cory a shirt. So I started walking back over there and Cory was puzzled so I told him I'm buying him a shirt. He protested but I didn't give him a choice. I love when we get those sudden urges to do something kind for someone. I wish I was like that more often, especially after reading several passages at Which is an amazing site btw and I suggest you go on it.
Anyways Blackguard was fantastic and had a giant gong on stage which the singer would hit throughout the songs. They had great energy which I didn't get to fully appreciate because we sat down. The pit at The Galaxy is very small and there was some jerky guy whos father we met upon entering the venue. He was an oddity and would do funny hand motions when the band played. ANYWAYS so we watched the bands sitting down and were extremely tired so I wish it could have been different. But then Ensiferum came on. We were still sitting and still tired but I thoroughly enjoyed them. And this is weird for me to say (and it was probably cause I was worried for a certain person who I was texting at the time) but it got to a point where I wished there set would end. But at the same time I'm glad it didn't because they had an awesome setlist that Cory could not appreciate as much as me because he's anti old Ensiferum (I love old Ensiferum). Anyways it was a great time end of story. I just wish a certain hangout would have happened the previous day but I got to spend some time with my friend Britney instead so it was still a good day.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
In his hands
I know I've said this many times before, but its funny where life will take you. No scratch that. Where God will take you. You always think you have everything planned and its going to be super smooth but oft times it gets crumpled into a ball and thrown out the window and God's plan goes into action. I really like it. It might sound weird for me to say that I'm glad my plans don't go as planned but the reason I like it is because what I want to happen is nothing compared to what God wants to happen. It doesn't matter what I want to unfold. Plus I really like the surprises even if they end up being nasty. They make for life lessons and great stories.
The past few weeks I've been on my toes a lot. I mean its one of the most confusing things ever but I trust God will take care of me. It also reveals to me what I want out of situations. So in a sense God's plan is in full force but at the same time I'm learning. Thus I can choose to work through the situations or just walk away. Then God can chuckle to himself and say "I knew it".
I try not to dwell in the future. At least not in the distant future. I live day by day. In high school I would always dwell in the future and I would always be worrying. But of course at that time I had not accepted Jesus as my savior. But having him in my life makes everything so much easier and takes so much burden off my shoulders. I love it.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Halloween on the horizon
Halloween is a mere couple of days away and even though I am 21 years old, it still tends to excite me. I have a costume, but out of the fact I want to surprise people at Vision tomorrow I will not say what it is. I probably still get excited about it because I like dressing up (I also cosplay. I blame it on drama class in high school). I am spending my actual Halloween going to Rocky Horror with Brittany and Kylie. I don't like Rocky Horror, but I love my friends and am perfectly willing to sit through it for them. Plus another excuse to wear my awesome costume. We have a coincidental theme going on with our costumes.
But after Halloween is said and done it's back to the real world. Not only am I probably going to be working to the bone for the next few months, but holiday pressure is going to get to me. Barf.
Lately I've been in a certain situation. One of which isn't by any means a bad situation to be in, just a confusing one. I haven't been in this situation in a few years so I don't really know how to handle it like I used to. Even though the situation I'm in is the same type of situation as in the past, its definitely far different. I want to know what the next step to take is, but I'm going to have to wait. God likes to keep us on our toes. Which I love because it allows one to follow what he want's rather than what one desires in his/her own heart. I would love to see how this situation pans out.
My costume is contained within this picture. And for all you know, it could be one of the princesses.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 4:03 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
That'll do pig...that'll do....
Well I think its about time for another update for those who care.
Lately I've been feeling like I've been wasting time on certain things like playing video games. I could be using that valuable time that I can never reobtain to write scripts and make movies but I'm not. I need to get my priorities straight but with my ADD it seems like video games and television are the only things that can hold my attention for prolonged amounts of time. I hate it. It holds me back so much. I would be so much farther along in life if I had an attention span and if I didn't procrastinate. Ugh. At least if I'm playing video games I should be playing Halo online with my friends that way I'm having fun with them and chatting. But I don't have Halo or an online membership on Xbox. Lately I feel less attached to video games and feel like I should just sell them but at the same time, games coming out in the future keep me attached to them. I kind of wish it were the 1930s or something where I have nothing better to do than read and write. No video games, no tv, no problemo. What makes it worse is I bought a new HD tv yesterday. As much as I think the tv is beautiful, it doesn't help my situation. My computer is also another enemy of mine. I mean I could be using it to write scripts but pen and paper actually holds my attention especially since computers hold many of distractions.
Anywho I'm starting to dislike work but appreciate it all the same. If I didn't have it, I'd be wasting even more time with video games and the computer. But I don't like the way I'm treated by guests. Especially since most of them aren't from our country initially, they don't realize its rude to interrupt you while you are helping someone, or whistle at you to get your attention, or to yell for your attention from ten feet away and wave you over as if your some sort of dog. I want to be able to ignore them but at the same time I'm getting paid for it. I prefer cashier because people don't ask me questions that I can't answer due to my limited knowledge of electronics and because I don't really get treated lame. But standing there ringing people up for hours on end gets dull.
I have come to realize I wrote kind of a bit there so I will shut up for now. I'm going to listen to some Wintersun and be emo. Minus the emo. Plus the epicness of Wintersun. And real epicness not the type where someones like "wow that pizza tasted epic". Eff that steal my word and destroy it will you...well I'm starting to wear soccer shirts so if that becomes a fad I know someones spying on me. And I will end them. End transmission.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
Rooocket Riiide!
So Tuesday night was the Edguy show. As most of you SHOULD know, Edguy is my favorite band of all time. They come around once a year (I saw them last year too) but this year killed. I went with my friend Kevin and we were screwing around the entire show. We were sarcastically throwing up the metal sign in all kinds of goofy ways and got Tobias and Jens to do it back at us. We also screamed ROCKET RIDE!! many times in hopes they would play it. He eventually said "My band mates don't know how to play it" but whether he was talking about Rocket Ride and not some other song, I don't know. Someone also yelled "play Slayer!!!" and Tobias responded with "I can't sing Slayer I'm a fuckin' chicken". Hahaha that man is hilarious. They whole night he was cracking clever jokes. They played a solid set (they didn't play Mysteria which saddened me but I was glad they didn't play Catch Of The Century and Fucking With Fire). They pulled out a mini piano toy thing and Kevin yelled "Play Rocket Ride on that thing!" which cracked a few of us up. They ended up playing Runaway by Bon Jovi. And the intro to The Trooper by Iron Maiden. Great show we had a blast. Kevin said that's the most active he's ever been at a show.
So I'm going to Halloween Haunt tonight at Knott's. Pretty excited for that. Going to be sporting my glow in the dark Tron shirt. Win.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Only I may dance
Time for an update since its been a few weeks. I work a lot. And thats about it. I have Edguy coming up in two weeks (about to go buy tickets) and Sonata in two days. I am also getting a tattoo on Friday. Excited and scared seeing as it will be my first. Either way I'll be fine. Plus the first episode of our soon to be hit youtube show is up. Check it out by clicking the picture below.
Let Roy Calhoun be you're guide.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
Into The Wild
Over the weekend I went camping in San Bernadino with my church family. It was a great experience. Reminds me of camping with my parents when I was younger but with people I actually get along with. Even though much of the forest around us was burnt down, it still showed me how beautiful God's creation is. Not only in the nature surrounding me but also in the people surrounding me. I couldn't ask for better friends.
We went squirrel hunting (don't judge me I didn't attempt any kills) and got to see a lot of nature. Off in the distance there was this rock formation on this mountainside that looked like a temple. We were going to go there but didn't really have the time too. It would have required us to miss a meal and other things. We also saw a rock that looked like Pride Rock (and Matt and Wred sat on it and scared the bejesus outta me seeing as it was propped up against a smaller rock) and a rock that looked very dirty. Living in a cabin in the wilderness would be so awesome but at the same time, probably uncomfortable. Little to no resources except from nature itself. But in that uncomfortableness I know I would be closer to God which would be awesome.
I got back yesterday and went to Disneyland with Brittany and her friend Elizabeth. She told me about Tokyo Disney and how they hire white people to play the characters and pay for their flight, living, and food. Plus a hefty amount per week. I think I want to do it in the near future. I tried looking it up but all I could find was audition dates at certain places. Auditions are scary. Especially Disney auditions. But who knows, we'll see what the future holds.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 12:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ocarina of Rhyme
So a few days ago I started to break out my Nintendo 64 and play not only my favorite game but what I (and most gamers) consider the greatest game ever created. Of course I am talking about Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The game is groundbreaking in every sense of the word changing everything we knew about video games and blowing us away. I didn't get into the whole Zelda fad until I was younger and bought Link's Awakening on the Game Boy. My friend had Ocarina and I played it on my Nintendo 64 (which I actually won in that Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut "Defeat the Darkside" contest from when Star Wars Episode 1 came out). That game changed my life. Lets just say I would like the things I like (vikings, medieval, swords, anything else epic) if it weren't for that game. I wouldn't want to be an archaeologist if it werent for that game. I would still be listening to shitty American metal if it weren't for that game. And years and many Zelda games later it still holds the title of being the best (regardless of what Cory thinks). Link (the protagonist) is my all time favorite hero of...well...all time. So much that I dressed up as him at Anime Expo.
Ignore the boots. Moving on. I'd have to say my favorite thing about the so amazing I can't pick anything out in specific. It's so perfect. The only thing that irks me is that the Water Temple is a pain in the ass to get through. Mother fu--....but yeah the tunes are catchy, its very adventurous, the hero is a badass (you play him as both a 9 year old kid and a 16 year You can get different weapons and tools and use them to solve puzzles and be epic. I like taking the hookshot and jumping from roof to roof in Kakariko Village. I feel like Spiderman. But much less gay. I plan on getting another costume soon (Frank lost mine) and making it much more elaborate. What can I say, I love that game that much. I might get a tattoo from it and it will be the only tattoo I would ever get that might be irrelevent in years to come. But then again it could be still. I just wish I was a top hollywood director because I would buy the rights and make the best effing Zelda movie that anyone could imagine. More epic than Lord of the Rings. Yes that epic. This picture shows just how epic this game is.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Update? Indeed.
So it's been a few weeks since my last post. Now you will get an update. Though I doubt you actually care haha. I started work at Target finally and last night was my first shift. I trained with a cash register doing these weird training exercises with it. Kinda tedious and unexciting but whatever. I guess I'm going to be ghosting a cashier tomorrow and working in the electronics area for the rest of the week. Woo!
Anyways I'm really stoked for next month. So much is going down. For one I have two concerts. One of which is Edguy and the other being Sonata Arctica. Then Ensiferum's new cd is coming up. Also at the end of the month I'm going to be taking Danish lessons (though on the website it looks like the calendar was for last year so its pending). If that goes through I'm excited because I've been meaning to somehow get lessons. They have em at a Danish Lutheran Church in Yorba Linda. Next month is going to be bomb!
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 10:11 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
I have come to realize that there is someone in my life that I owe so much to yet I don't give them enough thanks in my opinion. Heck, I owe EVERYTHING to said person. I have taken everything for granted and continue to do so even though I hate it (hopefully soon I won't). The person I speak of who I can't really even call a person is God.
It's kind of funny how when it comes down to the work he (or she) does in our life, we only seem to recognize it if it's good. Like getting a new job, winning the lottery, a movie coming out that you've been amped to see. But there are also the bad. Many atheists and agnostics use the argument of "if God exists, why do we go through so much pain and hurt". As I have learned from past experience those moments of which we feel at an all time low, it's God who is there to pick up back up. Thus in those moments of bad, he becomes even more real to us. I dare you to find a homeless person who isn't religious. We can also use these moments of pain to learn. I used to be a complete douchebag in high school who didn't treat certain people as they deserved. Now on the other hand I try to be the best person possible. God has used certain events in between to make this gradual change. A change I was willing to make. Though I admit through this time I didn't really believe in God (until a few years ago) but I was following his path which eventually led me to his mercy.
Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve his forgiveness. But this is the exact reason Jesus died on the cross so I (and everyone else) could be deserving of said forgiveness. It's still hard because even though I have been forgiven not only by the Lord of the universe but also by those I hurt in the past, I still find it difficult to forgive myself. Even to this day. The good thing is I use it as a bad example to grow from. But the bad thing is I hold on to it even though I should let it go. There are some burdens on my heart that I feel that I need to cast aside. But is that what God wants? I have learned so much through them so does he expect me to continue to do so? This isn't for me to answer. Though on Sunday Nate said that we should be sharing our burdens with our brothers and sisters in Christ. This hit me pretty hard because maybe thats what I need to do. Sure I have consoled in many others but maybe theres more specific people I need to console in. And maybe working together we can find a way to get rid of said burdens. God will show me the way not matter the case.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Raking in the dough
So today I feel a lot less like a loser. What could have occurred to make me feel like that. Did I start driving? No. Do I have a hot super model girlfriend? Negative (but one day). Did I learn that I actually have a skill? Incorrect. Did I somehow obtain a job? Correct. That is right I am not longer unemployed! Now I shall chronicle how such an occurrence occurred.
It started on Saturday. I had my phone off while I was at the BBQ as to not be disturbed. So when everyone had left but a few people, I turned on my phone. I had several text messages. But one of them stuck out at once. It was from my dad. "Target called." He even left voicemail.
A day or two before I had applied there online sort of passively thinking it would be like every other job. I was under the impression they wouldn't call me. But they did. I had an interview 3 days later. I called the next day to confirm I would attend such interview.
So today I put on a dress shirt with some khaki pants (I'll admit, I looked good) and about 8:20 a.m. left my house to journey to the Target on Westminster and the 22 freeway. After about an hour of walking in the hot sun, I arrived and went in the bathroom to rid myself of sweaty hands and to tuck in my shirt.
First I was interviewed by an Asian lady (named Rachel like good ol' Rachel Smyth). I was able to extract a few smiles from her but at the same time I was worried that maybe I wasn't doing so great. Afterward I went over to the computers to do some stupid questionaire. I came back in and was interviewed by a young man named Dennis (only remembered because of my brother having the same name). This interview I was much more confident and he seemed about 3 times more impressed than the Rachel lady did. I went to sit on a bench outside the offices and then the desk lady told me they were going to hire me. She gave me some paper work and told me I had to go drug test.
After having gone to the wrong Target, my mom picked me up and took me to the testing place. We had to wait an hour since they were out to lunch so we went to Arby's and (ironically) a Target in the area. I went in to be confronted by a grumpy old woman who reminds me of Raz from Monsters Inc. But a nicer younger lady took care of me instead. We wen't to the bathroom and she handed me a cup I had to pee in. I won't get too graphic but after a few instructions I did my business. She took the cup and walked off for a little bit. She came back telling me she sent the results and wouldn't tell me what they were. Though I'm positive I was clean seeing as I've never touched any such substances, it still bothered me that I didn't know. She probably was suspicious of me when I asked if I got to know what the result was haha. So it will be quite interesting (and extremely saddening) if Target calls me back to tell me I failed the drug test. I know I didn't but seeing as that's the one thing seperating me from having that job, of course I'm worried that someone the test wasn't accurate. Especially since I've never had such a test.
I should get a call within a few days concerning my orientation and then I am set. I'm going to miss all the free time even though it amounted to nothing. And I hope working in electronics won't tempt me into spending my paychecks. And I get to have whatever hair I want. Even so, I'm going to cut it soon, especially since I'm starting to look like Luke Skywalker.
PS. My thanks go out to our Father in heaven for he makes everything possible. And to those who helped me when I was unemployed.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 8:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Forming universes without walls
So unfortunately for you peasants (I say that lovingly), this blog is going to be about music. Music I listen to. Where we last left off in terms of music I was ranting on about how great Edguy was. Of course they are a band of very select taste. But this next band will appeal if you like screaming, guitar solos, melodicness, and technical stuff.
The band I am talking about is one called Wintersun. It all started with a man named Jari Maenpaa in Finland. He was the frontman for Ensiferum but in a sense he didn't get to write what he wanted. He had to write about vikings and magic and the other guitarist wrote most of the music. So after Ensiferum's album Iron came out, they were about to embark on a tour. But Jari had made the decision to record his own solo stuff and his studio time was during the tour. So Jari left Ensiferum in order to write music that he could call his own. This is how Wintersun was formed.
So far they only have one album out and it was released like 5 years ago. It in my opinion is a masterpiece. It really stands out when it comes to melodic death metal. Theres some folk elements thrown in there along with some symphonic ones. Jari wrote and recorded every instrument but the drums (including the synths). The lyrics are very deep and emotionally moving. The song Beautiful Death was written after he came down with tuberculosis (before Ensiferum) and was in his hospital bed not knowing what would happen. Much of his songs use metaphors that correspond to winter (a beautiful but deadly element), the cosmos, nature, and animals, ect. The cool thing his lyrics are usually about feeling helpless but perservering in the end. Personally my favorite song is Sleeping Stars because its so beautiful and powerful.
Their next album Time has been in the making for 3-4 years now due to problems with technology. Each song will comprise of 200-400 tracks (now you see why he's having tech problems?) and is going to be a concept album. He really want's to make it perfect so he's been slaving over it for years just to make his dream album. I am really excited for it since I know (even though he said it would be a different kind of album) that he will deliver another masterpiece that might even earn the title of being my favorite album of all time. We shall see.
You can listen to them in my music box below. Here's some lyrics for ya:
Divine creations now destroyed
to uncover the haunted atmosphere
Strange visions of the ancient spirits,
travesty of man appears
Coldness and the storming winds
lurking for prey
The forces of the Winter reign
in dreadful way, there's no escape
(Winter Madness)
I'm floating in the sea of stars,
I'm drifting away from the shore
I will be lost in the dream when the dark days come
But I will make the time run backwards and
I'll make the stars shine again
I will light up the sky to a bright crimson nights
... And they'll shine together forever
With brilliant silver colours they'll shine forever
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I have found love
Love is quite an interesting thing. You love many things in life such and friends, God, family ect. But to be in love is the greatest feeling in the entire world (second to God). I questioned whether I would be in love again anytime in the near future. But it appears fate has decreed that I am. You heard that right, I am in love!
You may be asking me, who is it oh great and handsome Andrew? Well to answer your question it is not a who, but a what. I have fallen back in love with Film! The past 2 years my camcorder had been sitting in my room catching dust. Recently I have taken it out to film a studio update (still in the making) for Led To Victory and also some video for my moms glass class. It brings back such great memories of a love that once was.
Corseph, Kev-O, and I have decided to combine forces and bring forth a youtube show so funny it will make one pee themselves. Each episode with be made up of two main segments of randomness with little micro segments sandwiched between. It's a good way to get my face out to the public.
The reason I would want my dashingly good looking face out in the public because I wan't to be a film maker. Lately I kind of settled on the fact that I should go for a more realistic plan which is Archaeology. So my film dreams were kind of left in the shadows. But lately I have come to the realization that even though they are just dreams they are still worth pursuing. Of course I am still going to go to school (not this semester cause I'm poor) and have a fall back plan so I'm trying to find alternative ways to break in the film business that aren't paying big bucks to go to school for it. I may even do work as an extra on movies for I hear that is one of the best ways to break into it.
I wan't to buy a Canon XL-2 because without a prosumer camera I am going to get nowhere. I love my camera to death but more so because it's my only link to the world of film. The video is okay but not great and the audio plain sucks so I wan't something that can bring my dreams to reality. First I need a job to save up for it. But at least it's making me more dedicated to find a job. And if I start driving soon maybe I'll work at a movie studio as a director's assisant (aka coffee getter). Sucky job as it may be it's still a good way to get somewhere if they like me.
One day....
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 12:46 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Ghastly ghouls
I'm aware I already posted a blog tonight but something has driven me to write another: my curiosity.
Naturally I am a very curious person. This is a good and bad thing. It's good because it leads me to become very interested in things and learn them. But its not skills I learn just information. This helps with the whole Archaeology thing I'm pursuing because my curiosity drives me in the field. Now the downside of this is that sometimes I come off as nosy when in reality if someone doesn't want to talk about something I wont press the matter any further unless its one of those things where they taunt me or kind of leave me hanging. But also the fact that I become interested in certain things is also a bad thing.
All of my life I have been really interested in ghosts. You or may or may not believe in them and if you don't (not to sound mean) I could really care less. I will be the first to say I do believe in them. Not from any kind of personal experience but I'm one of those people who believe that theres a lot in this world that we do not understand and there will always be that fact. Centuries from now all of what we learned now will most likely no longer be relevant. For example, certain understandings from even so much as 100 years ago have become outdated and useless. Medicines, how things work ect. I'm getting off topic here.
Back when I was a wee lad (probably less than a year old) when we lived in Georgia, my mother went to feed me and she encountered a spirit in our living room. My mom isn't the type of person that would make something like this up. I've also encountered "strange happenings" at my house where I was on top of our bunk bed and something fell off. Seconds later it shot back up onto the bed. Also I have encountered strange things at a friends house.
The thing is the thought of encountering a spirit frightens the crap out of me. And lately I have been watching a lot of Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters on TV. I really like those shows but whenever I watch them I have trouble sleeping and sometimes have bad dreams. Tonight I was looking at a site with a bunch of ghost pictures and made me feel uneasy. Whether my house is haunted or not, I have no idea. In fact I don't want to know. If there is some kind of spirit in my house they have done nothing to hurt me.
A couple of weeks ago Pastor John mentioned cutting out bad things for us. Whether it be commercials, tv shows, or even small things. Things that we know aren't good for us but may be fine for other people. I think this might be one of those things. But the thing is I am cursed with a unquenchable curiosity. Plus I enjoy watching those shows. But I guess its in times like these we have to cast out certain things that may hinder our relationship with God.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 10:53 PM 1 comments
My past few days (and then some)
I'm bored so you are about to receive an update on me. Don't like it? Well why on earth are you on here to begin with? So obviously you are interested.
ANYWAYS today I went to resubmit and application at Medieval Times. My friend couldn't find my other one. So I went to leave it in the office since he told me not to leave it at the window. I go in there and wait for a receptionist. She never came. But some lady in an MT polo with a walkie talkie came in and asked me what I wanted. I told her and she told me to take it to the window. I tried explaining to her that my friend instructed me to leave it with the receptionist but she was lame and just kept suggesting to put it in the application box or at the window because "the receptionist may not get it if you leave it on her desk". Well I left it on the desk anyways because where the hell else would it run off to. But yeah that lady was not very nice and she just made me nervous leaving it where I was instructed to.
I went to Disneyland yesterday with my friend Brittany and her friend Mike who actually was a really cool guy. Reminds me of Harold from Harold and Kumar. Except only half asian. But he too was interested in film and we talked about it for a while. He really wants to collaborate on his script (as in have me act and POSSIBLY be the cinematographer). He also offered to help on the current script I'm getting started on. Problem is hes moving in a month. But this and the youtube show I'm making with my friends is really inspiring to step up my game. I haven't made a real video in FOREVER. Literally like over a year or two. If I want to ever achieve my true dream of being a director its not like this. But I really have faith in the script I'm going to start (if you are curious read my last post). And it was encouraging when he told me that he really liked the premise of it. And I know I can use it to throw in some good moral lessons and messages.
I realized I'm writing the events of my life backwards so I will continue that by mentioning the previous night. I was hanging out with Cory and Alex and we decided to go to the Gallegly home and hang out. We went out for food and never went back. This is because while we were in the drive thru (Cory, Micah and I in one car, Alex, Desiree, Celia, and Blue in the other) Cory got all devious and after we got our food we drove off and hid. Cory called the others and told them they had to come find us and we gave them hints. It was easy as hell but they took a looooong time to find us (we even told when EXACTLY where we were. They didn't find us for another like half hour). It ended up turning into a fun game of car hide and seek. We so won :). The other car of people will say differently.
But not all is fun and games. Lately (especially) I've been struggling more and more with certain things. It's not an easy thing nor has it been. I'm just hoping I will finally break away from all of it. I already thought it was over with but apparently its not. God will get me through it just fine.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
(Lack of) talent
So I've come to face the cold reality: I suck at everything. I have yet to find out what my greatest of talents is. Sure I have hobbies but those hobbies I'm not particularly good at. But there has to be one thing out there that God endowed me with that I am naturally good at. I certainly hope its something cool that blows people away such as juggling sharp flaming objects. Though I will never attempt that to begin with I will never know.
For some reason all the talent was given away to my other brothers and sisters. Especially my brother Michael. He's athletic, does all this outdoor crap, snowboards, he's freakin' smart, he's a naturally gifted musician ect. I could go on but the more I do it makes me feel like a shmuck.
I get people that tell me that I'm good with words when it comes to lifting people up and sometimes I can see it. Some of the words that come out of my mouth almost freak me out because I have no idea where they came from. It's probably God speaking through me. I mean sure this is a good skill to have because it helps people. Hell, maybe it's way better than playing music or being good at foosball (or Street Fighter Rachel!). But for some reason I feel like a failure if I'm not able to physically impress people. It's pretty sad actually. Whatever my greatest trait is, I hope I use it for good and go far with it.This is Jari Maenpaa. Chances are hes more talented than you at guitar.
This has inspired me to write a script about someone who lacks talents and is trying to find what hes good at. Because that sounds like it would make a decent comedy.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 12:28 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
So I have been spending the last couple of days playing The Sims 3 on Cory's Macbook. The past few days Cory, Ricky and I have gathered and played it together. Even though there are Sim haters out there, I think it's an amazing game. I mean there's no way to beat it so I can genuinely want to play it rather than play it just to get it over with.
Even though its a game and all that, it does inspire me to do things. Its kind of sad when your Sim accomplishes more in a few days than I have in my whole life. It really makes me want to go out there and do more with my existence. And not for any materialistic reasons but because I know I'm meant for something greater. Its kind of weird that a video game can give you this kind of realization. I mean I'm aware that doing stuff in the Sims is a lot easier than in real life but really it just shows me how lazy I am. Maybe I should stop playing the Sims haha.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The best band ever (in my opinion)
So I was hanging out with a few friends a couple of days ago and we started quizzing each other on ourselves. I asked them what my favorite band was. No one had the answer. So I'm going to take the next few minutes to school you on them.
For those of you who don't know who my favorite band is, they are a power metal/hard rock band from Germany by the name of Edguy [not Viking metal from Norway cough cough :)]. So anyways I'm going to compose a top 5 list of what I love about this band:
1. Tobias Sammet: Definitely my favorite singer of all time. This guy can pretty much hit any note he wants. Not only that but he is the most hilarious human in existence and incorporates it into their music and live shows. Plus he is super creative.
2. Diversity: Whatever mood I'm in Edguy has got me covered. If I want to laugh, they have humor. If I am feeling down they have songs that I can relate to on a personal level. Their music comes in all shapes and sizes: funny, happy, sad, angry pretty much any mood that can be portrayed.
3. Guitars: They have some pretty awesome guitar work. By no means is it shredtastic(the spellcheck claims thats an actual word) like Children of Bodom but that doesn't stop them from writing fantastic stuff.
4. Live Show: They put on one of the best shows on the planet. Not only are their stage presence nearly unmatched but the songs are nearly dead on. I love going to a show and getting to laugh through most of it.
5. Avantasia: Okay this isn't really a part of Edguy but I'm counting it. What Avantasia is is Tobias Sammet's side project in which he makes concept albums with multiple power metal singers and musicians. Each singer sings a different character in the story and speaking of which, the stories are pretty deep. Plus the album The Scarecrow is my favorite album of all time.
So now you know. I mean don't expect to go listen to them and like them because they are a very selective taste. Some might find his vocals not to their liking (by means of how they sound not how well he sings). But if you do find them to your liking be sure to let me know and maybe I'll be nice and give you some of their cds. I have a few of their songs on my music player below. I also have some Avantasia which some of it is a little more mellow than the Edguy I have up.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I love that people enjoy my blog
So I am going to turn the volume up to 11. But not really. I cut my hair today and I'm looking puuurty goood. Most importantly I will now use less shampoo and it won't annoy me as much (like when I'm eating).
So yesterday I went to Disneyland with my friends Alex and Celia. It was a lot of fun. Except I got really hungry and got extreme back pains. Then we went to Chris' apartment and we all went hot tubbin' and did Weeds trivia (I got two right even though I don't watch the show). We were all there until about 4 in the morning and I went to sleep around 5:30. Sucky thing was, my body was so fixated on waking up at 9 for some reason. But somehow I fell back asleep and woke up at 11ish. Nice.
Today I went to Disneyland AGAIN with Alex and Celia with the (awesome) addition of my friend Rachel. We didn't go on anything and left within like 30-60 minutes. So now I'm home. My back still hurts and so does a many other things. It sucks. But it s'okay.
SHRED CHRISTOPHER LEE!!! SHRREEEEEEEEED! With a hint of sea salt ice cream
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 9:27 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Are you there?
So tonight I was feeling a little down. Heck it's been like that a lot lately. It didn't help that I was sort of struggling in my relationship with God. Then tonight a good friend made me promise to do one thing. Pray. So I fulfilled my promise. I prayed in a way I have never prayed before. I felt connected. What seemed like 5 minutes ended up being 20-30. By the time I finished praying I felt more calm and level headed. God has been here looking over my shoulder the entire time and for some reason I failed to take notice. In my dire need of him he came through. And I hope he comes through for everyone else as well. I prayed for aforementioned friend and the struggle in said persons heart. Hopefully God will help them in their need as well. I guess its always in our hour of utmost need that he appears to us and brings balance in our hearts. Thank you Jesus for speaking to me through my friend to bring me ever closer.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 2:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A brand new CAAAR!
Went to Price Is Right yesterday with all my friends for Casey Jones birthday. Twas a lot of fun. A ton of waiting and having to pee but my friends made it a grand ol' time. Being in Hollywood really makes me want to live my dream as a film maker. But alas, I have no idea where to start that will realistically give me a chance. Well I guess if that's what God wants me to do it will happen for me some way or another. Saturday I'm going to Ren Faire with my brother and mother. Funny thing is I'm going to be wearing a pirate outfit (even though I think vikings are way better). The viking costume I have would be embarassing to wear so I'd rather have a real viking outfit. But one thing is for sure, I look damn good in the pirate outfit haha. I lack boots though :(
By the way this is my brothers costume so don't go thinking I'm a weirdo who owns a full on pirate costume haha
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 2:35 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Oh so very excited!
I am currently super duper excited. Here are the two reasons why...:
Concept art for the new Zelda. Notice he is not holding the master sword. Speculation is that the girl is the master sword in "human" form. The game will use WiiMotion Plus giving the sword fighting and archery more of a real feeling. Also if you notice Link is much older. NEXT order of business:
The Clash of the Titans remake! The only thing that bothers me so far is the fact that Sam Worthington has short and buzzed hair. Yeah I'm sure they weren't able to cut hair like that in Ancient Greece. Especially that perfectly cut. Would it have killed them just to put a wig on him? He would look effin' epic with long hair. Just imagine him having long hair in those pictures and you will see what I mean.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
Who will be the future Mrs. Burnell?
So we were all talking to Casey Jones tonight and she explained such things as how she came to marry good ol' Nate. So it got me thinking very deeply. Who am I eventually going to tie the knot with? Just like any person interested in doing so, I have wondered this from childhood. And I will admit in my younger days I believed I had encountered said person (or course that was not the case). So who is it going to be? Is it going to be someone I know? Is it going to be someone I will meet in the near future? What about this girl will make me want to get married to her? (hopefully not pity or foolishness). Its quite pointless to ponder such questions since I won't know until I meet said female but I wonder nonetheless. And I can tell ya, I'm really excited to find out. All I know is that I will love this girl with all my heart and soul and have only eyes for her. I just hope my recent curse for dating crazies will end soon. My last ex girlfriend was looking at wedding rings a month after we started dating saying things as "we should get married next month" or "wow you should buy me this engagement ring". Long story short, it wasn't an awesome situation. I just hope I don't get married to a girl like this. Anywho I saw a palm reader at Balboa about a year ago (and I'm not saying that I believe the stuff I'm just stating what happened) and she told me I would meet my future wife (whos first or last name starts with a B) when I'm 23 and marry her when I'm 28. And for a little while after this I started becoming paranoid saying "whos name starts with a B?" of course ruling out everyone who's name started with a B that I knew saying "oh it can't be them...". But I just can't wait to meet this woman. Who this woman will end up being is up to God so I'm putting my faith into him that I will get a good one. I'm going to do my best to be the best damn husband Midgard has ever seen. And seeing as the past few girls I dated have kinda stalked me, I must be doing a pretty damn good job as a boyfriend hahaha. Sorry if this was random or maybe even a bit creepy, but I thought it was worthy of bloggitry. If you don't like it, suckit.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Now the victory is ours! Let us dance, the dance of immortals!
I am officially done with the semester. H yeah! Might not be able to return next semester due to no job or money but that Medieval Times job seems a little more likely.This is how I feel. Accompanied by the 16-bit voice over that says "YEAAH!"
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
(spoiler) Our party was beyond amazing
So on the 18th as I previously stated, I went to Disneyland. I went initially with Brittany and Alex. We went on that Toy Story ride and ended up giving me a headache because I got all worked up pulling that stupid string. And for the first time I went on the swinging cars on the Ferris wheel and it wasn't as bad as I would have imagined. After a few rides and drawing BS pictures of Donald Duck, Alex left us and we were later joined by Kevin and then Tim. It was a lot of fun but by the end of the night my skull felt like it was going to cave it. The next day I went out to eat with my parents. Dave and Busters has awesome food.
Yesterday was Cory and I's party. Honestly I was so worried about how it was going to go down because I have never thrown a party before. Lucky for me I have awesome friends that God has blessed me with that helped with the party. Celia Z let us use her house and decorated it, Truman made a cake and also "magic potion" (he added dry ice to make it steam and bubble), and my mother made awesome food. One of the thing I worried about was having games and stuff to do but everyone was content just sitting around and talking. Afterward I felt really good because maybe I'm stupid but sometimes I am blind and don't feel like people appreciate my company. But tons of people showed up yesterday and proved that they indeed appreciate not only my company but my overall existence. I feel so loved.That one is for Kevin. I call it " Goombas!"
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
So tomorrow marks 21 years since I spawned into the world. And I must say, these will be the longest years of my life. I bet when I turn 42 I'm going to say "Wow those past 21 years sure flew by". And its so sad that a lot of my early childhood I can barely remember. Almost as if it were only a dream. I kind of wish I could relive those memories. It would be cool to see my perception of things and what events occurred in general. It sucks only remembering bits and pieces
Anyways I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow to take advantage of some birthday thing in which I get a gift card that's worth the price of a ticket (I have a year pass). I'm going to use that ticket to help my friend buy a pass. The way I see it, God is giving me this opportunity to bless someone else's life instead of using said gift card on myself. If I have to for some reason spend that gift card that day or within too short a period of time, I'm using it towards other people for my birthday party. Don't know how but I shall see what happens.
Speaking of said party, it's going to be such a blast. It's a party for both Cory and I so we are inviting mutual friends. I'm super stoked for it. I don't want it to be so much for us, but for the people there who have blessed our lives. That's who I want to celebrate.
And a shout out goes to Alex Soto the boo-kiest mother effer this world has ever seen.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 7:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Freedom isn't free. It cost a buck o' five
So for quite a while now a certain situation has been weighing heavily on my heart. It has been bringing me down both physically and emotionally. I constantly prayed for God to do what he had planned whether it be good or be my ultimate downfall. Lucky for me its the former. I will compare it to falling in a trap pit. Being stuck in this pit, I have tried everything to get out. I've tried to climb, claw, and work my way to the top but I just kept sliding back down to the bottom. After continuous praying it seems that through my wonderful friends, God has thrown me a rope. What makes it seem different now is that I am incredibly happy and don't want to trade this feeling for ANYTHING in the world. Now that I have this out of the way, I can continue to serve people through Jesus especially with the experience said situation has brought me. God spoke to me through Nate tonight and I thank him so much for saying this and opening my eyes: "When you go skiing or snowboarding, they tell you if you focus on the trees you will hit one. If you focus on whats beyond the trees, you will not hit any of them". As wtf as that statement seems, it really helped me. Thank you Lord and everyone dear to me for all the help and joy you have brought me.
ps I am not posting a picture as to not kill the mood of this post...which this ps probably just did...
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Don't you know the Dewey Decimal System?!
So UHF is basically the best movie ever created. I grew up listening to Weird Al so his humor is right up my alley. I highly suggest this movie to everyone in existence. If you don't find it funny, need a sense of humor. 21 in 13 more unlucky for me :/.Conan the Librarian! Look it up on youtube and you will see how epic UHF is.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Two millennium is still considered new?
As the title might hint at, I just finished the New Testament tonight. I have to say, it really opened my eyes. Like kittens and puppies who are opening their eyes for the first time. Everything makes so much more sense to me now. And to think I've been a Christian almost a year (my starting point being my baptism) and I had not read the bible. But I have to say, that Jesus is a wonderful man. And so is everyone in cahoots with him. Now I'm thinking of starting the Old Testament. The picture I post next might be seen as blasphemous to some, but I think its awesome. Hey I did say humorous pictures after each post didn't I?
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I am the keyblade master
So I just realized I spent the last month doing pretty much nothing but playing Kingdom Hearts in my free time. I played through the first one (doing everything but beating Sephiroth), Chain of Memories (Sora and Riku's story), and tonight I just finished the second. Even though I could have used that time towards something constructive, I had fun. They are such great games and just make me feel like a child inside. Which is good seeing as my 21st birthday is coming up on the 18th (I added a countdown). Legally able to drink but I don't give a fudge. What I would give to be young again...............................why are you still here? Go play Kingdom Hearts!
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Return of the Jedi
And by Jedi I mean me, returning to do another post today. You may think I post a lot and you are correct. I'm super excited about this blog and I'm also bored so enjoy my boredom. Today I went down to Medieval Times and the Pirate Dinner Adventure and applied for the shows. My friend works over at Medieval Times as a squire and told me they might be hiring more soon so I took advantage. I also applied for other positions because I need a job period. Britney and I also applied at the Pirate place because it was next door so why not. So if you are curious as to what I would do as a squire I will tell you. Basically I would throw the knights their weapons and carry their flags and possibly do some fighting near the end of the show. Would I want to be knighted in the future? No. I cannot do such intense training because I'm a girly man haha.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Tak til alle så meget
So I have noticed that on my last two posts I was complaining about various things such as lack of job and lack of talent. So this post will be dedicated to not complaining and embracing what I do possess. I love and am thankful for all the people in my life, friends and family (even my brother that I don't get along with). So everyone who has some kind of impact on my life big or small, thank you for being there. I am also thankful not only for my good times and happiness but more so for my failings and sad/depressing times. In the past few years I have learned that much change was needed in my life so in turn I am on a ongoing journey to become a better person. Also in all these harsh times I have learned to open my heart to God and have been building a relationship with him. I do admit I struggle a lot in said relationship but its only making my faith stronger. So as I said before I want this to be a huge thank you post for everyone and everything in my life. You make it worth every minute. Oh and I have decided to post a random picture every post:
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
I wish I was musically inclined
I need a new hobby. Video Games have been taking up too much of my life because of my lack of job. Kind of want to start a band but musical talent. If anyone could help me with that, I would be ever grateful haha. Maybe one day I will achieve this:
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
After keeping a secret blog for a while I though it's about time I make a more public one for my friends and such. That way you can spy on me and know the latest and greatest (because I am always the latest and greatest).
Anyways lately I have been listening to Pop Punk (which back in the day I didn't appreciate or like even though I should have. I was too metal for everything). Today I acquired some The Starting Line, Rufio, and Yellowcard and I am waiting for Cory to shove some Don't Look Down on his ITunes so I can s-s-swoop it. Makes me want to start a Pop Punk band. Any takers? We can still save this dying genre!
Now that I no longer have a job I have been bored as heck. Always sitting at home playing Playstation because Cory is always working weekdays. At least I get to hang out with my homie Britney some days. But all of that empty schedule and my own empty wallet have been killing me lately. Hey that's what being funemployed is all about. Until next time.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 3:58 PM 0 comments