Saturday, June 6, 2009

Oh so very excited!

I am currently super duper excited. Here are the two reasons why...:
Concept art for the new Zelda. Notice he is not holding the master sword. Speculation is that the girl is the master sword in "human" form. The game will use WiiMotion Plus giving the sword fighting and archery more of a real feeling. Also if you notice Link is much older. NEXT order of business:

The Clash of the Titans remake! The only thing that bothers me so far is the fact that Sam Worthington has short and buzzed hair. Yeah I'm sure they weren't able to cut hair like that in Ancient Greece. Especially that perfectly cut. Would it have killed them just to put a wig on him? He would look effin' epic with long hair. Just imagine him having long hair in those pictures and you will see what I mean.