Friday, October 2, 2009

Rooocket Riiide!

So Tuesday night was the Edguy show. As most of you SHOULD know, Edguy is my favorite band of all time. They come around once a year (I saw them last year too) but this year killed. I went with my friend Kevin and we were screwing around the entire show. We were sarcastically throwing up the metal sign in all kinds of goofy ways and got Tobias and Jens to do it back at us. We also screamed ROCKET RIDE!! many times in hopes they would play it. He eventually said "My band mates don't know how to play it" but whether he was talking about Rocket Ride and not some other song, I don't know. Someone also yelled "play Slayer!!!" and Tobias responded with "I can't sing Slayer I'm a fuckin' chicken". Hahaha that man is hilarious. They whole night he was cracking clever jokes. They played a solid set (they didn't play Mysteria which saddened me but I was glad they didn't play Catch Of The Century and Fucking With Fire). They pulled out a mini piano toy thing and Kevin yelled "Play Rocket Ride on that thing!" which cracked a few of us up. They ended up playing Runaway by Bon Jovi. And the intro to The Trooper by Iron Maiden. Great show we had a blast. Kevin said that's the most active he's ever been at a show.

So I'm going to Halloween Haunt tonight at Knott's. Pretty excited for that. Going to be sporting my glow in the dark Tron shirt. Win.