Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I love that people enjoy my blog

So I am going to turn the volume up to 11. But not really. I cut my hair today and I'm looking puuurty goood. Most importantly I will now use less shampoo and it won't annoy me as much (like when I'm eating).

So yesterday I went to Disneyland with my friends Alex and Celia. It was a lot of fun. Except I got really hungry and got extreme back pains. Then we went to Chris' apartment and we all went hot tubbin' and did Weeds trivia (I got two right even though I don't watch the show). We were all there until about 4 in the morning and I went to sleep around 5:30. Sucky thing was, my body was so fixated on waking up at 9 for some reason. But somehow I fell back asleep and woke up at 11ish. Nice.

Today I went to Disneyland AGAIN with Alex and Celia with the (awesome) addition of my friend Rachel. We didn't go on anything and left within like 30-60 minutes. So now I'm home. My back still hurts and so does a many other things. It sucks. But it s'okay.

SHRED CHRISTOPHER LEE!!! SHRREEEEEEEEED! With a hint of sea salt ice cream


Ricky said...

dude the greatest part about cutting long hair is when you're in the shower and you dump a huge glob of shampoo in your hand and it all just like runs off your head hahaha. that happened when i cut my fro off in junior year.
