Sunday, July 5, 2009

(Lack of) talent

So I've come to face the cold reality: I suck at everything. I have yet to find out what my greatest of talents is. Sure I have hobbies but those hobbies I'm not particularly good at. But there has to be one thing out there that God endowed me with that I am naturally good at. I certainly hope its something cool that blows people away such as juggling sharp flaming objects. Though I will never attempt that to begin with I will never know.

For some reason all the talent was given away to my other brothers and sisters. Especially my brother Michael. He's athletic, does all this outdoor crap, snowboards, he's freakin' smart, he's a naturally gifted musician ect. I could go on but the more I do it makes me feel like a shmuck.

I get people that tell me that I'm good with words when it comes to lifting people up and sometimes I can see it. Some of the words that come out of my mouth almost freak me out because I have no idea where they came from. It's probably God speaking through me. I mean sure this is a good skill to have because it helps people. Hell, maybe it's way better than playing music or being good at foosball (or Street Fighter Rachel!). But for some reason I feel like a failure if I'm not able to physically impress people. It's pretty sad actually. Whatever my greatest trait is, I hope I use it for good and go far with it.This is Jari Maenpaa. Chances are hes more talented than you at guitar.

This has inspired me to write a script about someone who lacks talents and is trying to find what hes good at. Because that sounds like it would make a decent comedy.


Unknown said...

I feel the same way: i'm not like nathan or joey where they are good at music. I'm not good at art or singing. There isnt ONE thing that i am good at, but there are a lot of little things that we are good at. We're good at listening and being a friend. We are good at telling stories and making people feel special. Dont get too down about it, i know you will find something great!
