Today I auditioned for a movie. And by audition I don't mean went into an office in front of the casting directors and did a little jig, I mean sent in an audition video over the internet (as far as I know thats the only way they were doing it). I'm pretty excited about it and am praying that I get a callback or whatever they are doing. But I'm pretty uninteresting on camera (at least I think so) so we shall have to see. I auditioned for a movie based on the Marvel series Runaways. The part I was auditioning for was that of Chase "Talkback" Stein a teenager with not only a mouth on him but some gauntlets that let him control fire. Lucky for me I could believably pass for a teenager. Yay for looking young.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Up to date update...update
So I start school tomorrow (today since its midnight) so this message is going to have to be brief. Life is good, work sucks, and I'm putting my hobby to work. Lately Friends & Wellwishers (my videos) have been thriving in the production area, not so much the views area. So get your butt over to our youtube channel and give them a watch. Worth your time.
Let the Flamingi be your guide. Give it a click to go to our channel.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
July so far
Its late and here I am up blogging. First off I want to say Anime Expo was a blast. Mara had fun too. So many people wanted our picture I felt like we were Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (without the millions of kids). Schools coming up soon and I locked down some awesome classes (mythology!). But I don't want summer to leave just yet. Have to finish Friends & Wellwishers episode 3 :P. Mara is in Cancun for a week so I'm going to be extra bored. Well I know its a short post but I am weary. Goodnight world.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 1:33 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Anime Expo
So Mara and I have decided to go to Anime Expo. I missed it last year and thought I would miss it again this year so I'm ready to make my triumphant return. With only less than a month, Mara and I are working on our costumes (she pretty much has everything she needs). We are going as a couple as Link and Tetra from Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass. Moreso Phantom Hourglass seeing as I decided I'm going to make a fairy. I also want it to glow in the dark too (old habits die hard). I'm really stoked for it. Lucky for Mara, Tetra has darker skin so she will do just fine with it.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 9:12 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The month of May in a nutshell
So its been a while since my last update so lets see if we can get up to speed:
My party was a mega success. My costume came out even cooler than I expected even though everyone had no idea who the eff I was haha. They will come Christmas time when everyone's going to act like they've been Tron fans all along. Then next year when Thor comes out its going to be the same way. Oh bandwagoners make me chuckle.
Turning 22 had no effect on me rather than make me feel older. I hate it I wish I was young and sprightly again. I had a beer for the first time and I didn't like it very much haha. Probably won't become a habit of any sort. Mara got me some cool shirts, Britney got me Kingdom Come, and CoryLiz got me Fallout 3. Haven't gotten anything from my parents but I'm at that age and point in my relationship with God to where I'd almost rather not get anything for my birthday but joy and seeing others be joyful (which is why I like to have parties).
I'm finally done with school so now its free time to work and hopefully get some film stuff done. Work on some screenplays too.
P.S. saw Prince of Persia and loved it. Awesome movie
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 1:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Party Hardy
So my birthday is pretty much on the horizon. I am throwing a party (along with my friend Brittany who's birthday is about a week or two before mine) that happens to be a Disney costume party. Right now I'm waiting for all of my costume parts to come in the mail then i'm going to get straight to work on it. I'm pretty stoked. Right now I can't say what I'll be but I will post a picture. Mara was going to be the Main Street Electrical Parade but we decided to do something easier (but haven't decided what that will be).
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
It keeps getting better
So I was right about one thing: God does have better plans for me. When one door closes another opens some say. As of the 30th of March I started dating a beautiful girl named Mara. So far she isn't crazy haha (trust me if you even knew about my last few...). It's only been a few days but it feels like months (weird I know). She makes me really happy I just hope she continues to do so and vice versa.
Just got the Avantasia CDs like two days ago. Soooo good. I have listened to nothing else since getting them. I also saw Clash Of The Titans a few nights ago. I enjoyed it but it doesn't even hold a candle to the original.
Lastly and most importantly today is the day of Jesus' ressurection. Pretty stoked about it. Without his sacrifice I (and everyone else) would be doomed for Hell. It almost sucks that I can't do anything to repay the favor to Him because there is no topping dying so humanity can be free of their sin. I need to stop taking this gift for granted. Thank you Jesus for being the man.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
So I would like to give a short update on my disney audition. I got up bright and early and we left my house to Hollywood about 7 and got there at like 8:30. We signed in and sat around for a while and once it came time, they got us into lines and an older, square jawed japanese man taught us a dance routine. After multiple times practicing, they split us into groups of four to do it. Long story short I didn't make it past it. Who would have known a older, square jawed japanese man could do a fruity dance routine better than me? Oh well God must have better plans for me.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Big in Japan
So I'm pretty excited. Just got back from an awesome BBQ, preordered the new Avantasia boxset for 20 bucks opposed to 60, the Pokemon Silver remake comes out tomorrow (DONT JUDGE ME), and on the 22nd I'm doing TokyoDisney auditions. To be honest I doubt I'm going to make it even that deep into the auditions but its a nice fantasy.
The program would have me living in Japan for 6-8 months being paid like 560 a week, they would feed me and supply my own apartment. So basically getting a free ride in an expensive country while making money. Sounds like a deal to me. As for who I'd want to play I think I'd make an awesome Peter Pan, but I believe I'm much too tall. So besides that, I think I want to be Prince Philip. Out of all the Disney princes he is the MOST epic of all. So I'm praying that I will go far with that. Pray for me too guys! I really need this trip to get away from all this stress for a while and be able to not only have a blast, but focus on God away from my issues at home.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
life is good
So here I sit in my headquarters, reflecting on the past month. Much has happened and the funny part is I didn't realize how much until now. I just got home from filming some Friends & Wellwishers right now (after maybe 1 or 2 smaller things we can finish the episode). We filmed it at a suite in the Grand Californian at Disneyland. Wred's friend has it for the day so naturally we took advantage.
I started school about a week ago and so far it's pretty chill. I'm taking Sociology and Human Sexuality online and taking Costuming and Basic Voice at the school (Goldenwest). One thing I was afraid about Voice (besides singing) was being the only guy. Turns out half the class are guys. It's Costuming where I'm the only guy. It's especially awkward because its a class of 12ish and we all sit around a large table and I just awkwardly spin in my chair looking off into space. At least I can say I'm the hottest guy in the class hahaha.
Work has been pissing me off as usual with the scheduling. At first they didn't give me any of the days I told them I can't work off. Then I told them again I can't work Tuesday or Thursday and they said ok. The past two weeks they have given me only Tuesday off (and it says "unavailable") so they took only half of my schedule into account. Grrr.
Right now I'm working on two scripts that I will hopefully use in the future. One I am writing on the computer and the other I'm writing in a notebook at school. I'd do them both on the computer but drama scripts are boring to write and when theres more interesting stuff to do like surf the web I do it. The computer one I'm writing is a fantasy called Dreamquest and the hand written like I stated before is a drama titled Copenhagen. I will not reveal any more than that.
The next few months are holding so much excitement I can't wait. So much is coming out! The new Eluveitie cd, the new Finntroll cd, Final Fantasy XIII (still kind of deciding on that), Pokemon Soul Silver (Silver was my favorite game as a kid so a remake is cool), Clash Of The Titans, and naturally Avantasia's "The Wicked Symphony" and "Angel of Babylon" albums. So stoked.
And a little footnote, Mass Effect 2 is absolutely amazing. If you haven't played it, do and reap all of it's delightfully entertaining benefits.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
beggs and eacon

Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Hunting High and Low
So right now I'm up in Lake Arrowhead with my church family having a fantastic time. We have an awesome cabin that blows last year's out of the water (no creepy paintings, fake jacuzzis, tables with naked women carved into them, or rooms we are not allowed to enter). So far I have indulged in games of Sweat, hot tubbing, delicious food, sledding in Big Bear, and some game in which they have to guess the person through descriptions. They are playing it right now but I am a little weary so have decided to stay out of the fray. Tomorrow morning we leave which is a total bummer because it feels like we just got here.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 10:23 PM 1 comments