Since I have returned from camp things have been somewhat crazy. I had problems at home (that no longer seem a problem) and still struggling with other uncontrollable thoughts and emotions. Other than that I'm fine and dandy.
School books are stressing me out at the moment. They are much too expensive. I wish I could buy the previous editions but they frak with you by switching chapters around. Greedy publishers. I just with I had more money. Mass Effect coming out in a week doesn't help matters (though I think I'll hold off on it until books are out of the way even though it will be hard).
Speaking of which I got my Xbox back from repairs today. I was hoping they'd send me one with an HDMI port seeing as its been 2 years since they manufactured they without them. But naturally with my luck they had an HDMI-less one with my name on it :/. Though no complaints since I got a free repair and a free month of gold membership. No games to play online though.
I have also been looking at cars since my dads going to buy me one. So far I found a T-Bird I really like but am awaiting a response from the seller. Pretty excited. I will finally learn to drive that way I can finally get a real job (hopefully involving film).
The night we got back from camp I got a new tattoo. I'm really proud of it and thankful that I have such an awesome artist. Heres a picture

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