So we were all talking to Casey Jones tonight and she explained such things as how she came to marry good ol' Nate. So it got me thinking very deeply. Who am I eventually going to tie the knot with? Just like any person interested in doing so, I have wondered this from childhood. And I will admit in my younger days I believed I had encountered said person (or course that was not the case). So who is it going to be? Is it going to be someone I know? Is it going to be someone I will meet in the near future? What about this girl will make me want to get married to her? (hopefully not pity or foolishness). Its quite pointless to ponder such questions since I won't know until I meet said female but I wonder nonetheless. And I can tell ya, I'm really excited to find out. All I know is that I will love this girl with all my heart and soul and have only eyes for her. I just hope my recent curse for dating crazies will end soon. My last ex girlfriend was looking at wedding rings a month after we started dating saying things as "we should get married next month" or "wow you should buy me this engagement ring". Long story short, it wasn't an awesome situation. I just hope I don't get married to a girl like this. Anywho I saw a palm reader at Balboa about a year ago (and I'm not saying that I believe the stuff I'm just stating what happened) and she told me I would meet my future wife (whos first or last name starts with a B) when I'm 23 and marry her when I'm 28. And for a little while after this I started becoming paranoid saying "whos name starts with a B?" of course ruling out everyone who's name started with a B that I knew saying "oh it can't be them...". But I just can't wait to meet this woman. Who this woman will end up being is up to God so I'm putting my faith into him that I will get a good one. I'm going to do my best to be the best damn husband Midgard has ever seen. And seeing as the past few girls I dated have kinda stalked me, I must be doing a pretty damn good job as a boyfriend hahaha. Sorry if this was random or maybe even a bit creepy, but I thought it was worthy of bloggitry. If you don't like it, suckit.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Now the victory is ours! Let us dance, the dance of immortals!
I am officially done with the semester. H yeah! Might not be able to return next semester due to no job or money but that Medieval Times job seems a little more likely.This is how I feel. Accompanied by the 16-bit voice over that says "YEAAH!"
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
(spoiler) Our party was beyond amazing
So on the 18th as I previously stated, I went to Disneyland. I went initially with Brittany and Alex. We went on that Toy Story ride and ended up giving me a headache because I got all worked up pulling that stupid string. And for the first time I went on the swinging cars on the Ferris wheel and it wasn't as bad as I would have imagined. After a few rides and drawing BS pictures of Donald Duck, Alex left us and we were later joined by Kevin and then Tim. It was a lot of fun but by the end of the night my skull felt like it was going to cave it. The next day I went out to eat with my parents. Dave and Busters has awesome food.
Yesterday was Cory and I's party. Honestly I was so worried about how it was going to go down because I have never thrown a party before. Lucky for me I have awesome friends that God has blessed me with that helped with the party. Celia Z let us use her house and decorated it, Truman made a cake and also "magic potion" (he added dry ice to make it steam and bubble), and my mother made awesome food. One of the thing I worried about was having games and stuff to do but everyone was content just sitting around and talking. Afterward I felt really good because maybe I'm stupid but sometimes I am blind and don't feel like people appreciate my company. But tons of people showed up yesterday and proved that they indeed appreciate not only my company but my overall existence. I feel so loved.That one is for Kevin. I call it " Goombas!"
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
So tomorrow marks 21 years since I spawned into the world. And I must say, these will be the longest years of my life. I bet when I turn 42 I'm going to say "Wow those past 21 years sure flew by". And its so sad that a lot of my early childhood I can barely remember. Almost as if it were only a dream. I kind of wish I could relive those memories. It would be cool to see my perception of things and what events occurred in general. It sucks only remembering bits and pieces
Anyways I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow to take advantage of some birthday thing in which I get a gift card that's worth the price of a ticket (I have a year pass). I'm going to use that ticket to help my friend buy a pass. The way I see it, God is giving me this opportunity to bless someone else's life instead of using said gift card on myself. If I have to for some reason spend that gift card that day or within too short a period of time, I'm using it towards other people for my birthday party. Don't know how but I shall see what happens.
Speaking of said party, it's going to be such a blast. It's a party for both Cory and I so we are inviting mutual friends. I'm super stoked for it. I don't want it to be so much for us, but for the people there who have blessed our lives. That's who I want to celebrate.
And a shout out goes to Alex Soto the boo-kiest mother effer this world has ever seen.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 7:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Freedom isn't free. It cost a buck o' five
So for quite a while now a certain situation has been weighing heavily on my heart. It has been bringing me down both physically and emotionally. I constantly prayed for God to do what he had planned whether it be good or be my ultimate downfall. Lucky for me its the former. I will compare it to falling in a trap pit. Being stuck in this pit, I have tried everything to get out. I've tried to climb, claw, and work my way to the top but I just kept sliding back down to the bottom. After continuous praying it seems that through my wonderful friends, God has thrown me a rope. What makes it seem different now is that I am incredibly happy and don't want to trade this feeling for ANYTHING in the world. Now that I have this out of the way, I can continue to serve people through Jesus especially with the experience said situation has brought me. God spoke to me through Nate tonight and I thank him so much for saying this and opening my eyes: "When you go skiing or snowboarding, they tell you if you focus on the trees you will hit one. If you focus on whats beyond the trees, you will not hit any of them". As wtf as that statement seems, it really helped me. Thank you Lord and everyone dear to me for all the help and joy you have brought me.
ps I am not posting a picture as to not kill the mood of this post...which this ps probably just did...
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Don't you know the Dewey Decimal System?!
So UHF is basically the best movie ever created. I grew up listening to Weird Al so his humor is right up my alley. I highly suggest this movie to everyone in existence. If you don't find it funny, need a sense of humor. 21 in 13 more unlucky for me :/.Conan the Librarian! Look it up on youtube and you will see how epic UHF is.
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Two millennium is still considered new?
As the title might hint at, I just finished the New Testament tonight. I have to say, it really opened my eyes. Like kittens and puppies who are opening their eyes for the first time. Everything makes so much more sense to me now. And to think I've been a Christian almost a year (my starting point being my baptism) and I had not read the bible. But I have to say, that Jesus is a wonderful man. And so is everyone in cahoots with him. Now I'm thinking of starting the Old Testament. The picture I post next might be seen as blasphemous to some, but I think its awesome. Hey I did say humorous pictures after each post didn't I?
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I am the keyblade master
So I just realized I spent the last month doing pretty much nothing but playing Kingdom Hearts in my free time. I played through the first one (doing everything but beating Sephiroth), Chain of Memories (Sora and Riku's story), and tonight I just finished the second. Even though I could have used that time towards something constructive, I had fun. They are such great games and just make me feel like a child inside. Which is good seeing as my 21st birthday is coming up on the 18th (I added a countdown). Legally able to drink but I don't give a fudge. What I would give to be young again...............................why are you still here? Go play Kingdom Hearts!
Posted by Andrew Thor Burnell at 11:16 PM 0 comments