Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Return of the Jedi

And by Jedi I mean me, returning to do another post today. You may think I post a lot and you are correct. I'm super excited about this blog and I'm also bored so enjoy my boredom. Today I went down to Medieval Times and the Pirate Dinner Adventure and applied for the shows. My friend works over at Medieval Times as a squire and told me they might be hiring more soon so I took advantage. I also applied for other positions because I need a job period. Britney and I also applied at the Pirate place because it was next door so why not. So if you are curious as to what I would do as a squire I will tell you. Basically I would throw the knights their weapons and carry their flags and possibly do some fighting near the end of the show. Would I want to be knighted in the future? No. I cannot do such intense training because I'm a girly man haha.

Tak til alle så meget

So I have noticed that on my last two posts I was complaining about various things such as lack of job and lack of talent. So this post will be dedicated to not complaining and embracing what I do possess. I love and am thankful for all the people in my life, friends and family (even my brother that I don't get along with). So everyone who has some kind of impact on my life big or small, thank you for being there. I am also thankful not only for my good times and happiness but more so for my failings and sad/depressing times. In the past few years I have learned that much change was needed in my life so in turn I am on a ongoing journey to become a better person. Also in all these harsh times I have learned to open my heart to God and have been building a relationship with him. I do admit I struggle a lot in said relationship but its only making my faith stronger. So as I said before I want this to be a huge thank you post for everyone and everything in my life. You make it worth every minute. Oh and I have decided to post a random picture every post:

Monday, April 27, 2009

I wish I was musically inclined

I need a new hobby. Video Games have been taking up too much of my life because of my lack of job. Kind of want to start a band but musical talent. If anyone could help me with that, I would be ever grateful haha. Maybe one day I will achieve this:

Sunday, April 26, 2009


After keeping a secret blog for a while I though it's about time I make a more public one for my friends and such. That way you can spy on me and know the latest and greatest (because I am always the latest and greatest).

Anyways lately I have been listening to Pop Punk (which back in the day I didn't appreciate or like even though I should have. I was too metal for everything). Today I acquired some The Starting Line, Rufio, and Yellowcard and I am waiting for Cory to shove some Don't Look Down on his ITunes so I can s-s-swoop it. Makes me want to start a Pop Punk band. Any takers? We can still save this dying genre!

Now that I no longer have a job I have been bored as heck. Always sitting at home playing Playstation because Cory is always working weekdays. At least I get to hang out with my homie Britney some days. But all of that empty schedule and my own empty wallet have been killing me lately. Hey that's what being funemployed is all about. Until next time.